The colorpsychology that lighting engineers must learn
Stage light design definitely does not mean that you can turn on the dimming console orturn on the switch to be a lighting engineer. This contains a lot of knowledge.A good lighting engineer is not only a technician, but more importantly, he isalso an artist.
To become astage lighting engineer, you have to start from many basic aspects. First, youmust be proficient in lighting equipment (equipment common sense), and you mustlearn the corresponding optical common sense, such as light color, colortemperature, spectrum, incidence, reflection, and scattering, superposition,attenuation etc. Many basic principles must be mastered (optical common sense).The characteristics and usage of the equipment should be clear at a glance(operating common sense). At the same time, it is also very important tounderstand the direct mental effects of color, which directly affects theprofessionalism of lighting engineers in stage lighting.
The direct mental effect of color comes from the direct influenceof physical light stimulation of color on human physiology. Psychologists havedone many experiments on this. They found that in a red environment, a person’s pulse rate increases, blood pressure rises,and emotions are excited and impulsive. In a blue environment, the pulse willslow down and the mood will be calmer. Some scientists have discovered thatcolor can affect brain waves. Brain waves are alert to red reactions and relaxto blue. Since the middle of the 19th century, psychology has shifted fromphilosophy to science, and psychologists have focused on the effects of colorminds verified by experiments. Many color theories have made specialintroductions to this. These experiences have clearly affirmed the influence ofcolor on people's minds.
the warmth and coldness of the color
Cool and warm colors are based on the physical classification ofcolors for mental illusions. The material impression of colors is roughlyproduced by the two color systems of cold and warm. Long-wavelength red lightand orange and yellow light have a sense of warmth in themselves, and any colorwill have a sense of warmth when exposed to sub-light. On the contrary,short-wavelength purple light, blue light, and green light feel cold.
The color itselfdoes not have the height of physical temperature, because people's mentalfactors and thought associations, when people see red colors, they must beconnected with fire, sun, etc., and form a sense of warmth in their minds, whenpeople see blue , It will associate with water, ice, etc., and thus produce acold mental reaction. The warm and cold reaction of this color to the humanmind is the warm and cold feeling of the color. By classifying the colors on acolor circle with this feeling of cold and warm, you can distinguish warm colorsystems that are biased toward warm feelings and cool color systems that arebiased toward cold feelings, but there are also some which are between warm andcold color systems that are difficult to feel in a subtle way. The colors to bedistinguished, such as a group of intermediate color groups such as green andpurple, are called cold and warm neutral colors.
On the stage, inorder to express a warm and festive atmosphere, red light can be used as themain color in the stage area with orange and pink to form a warm tone, and alittle blue and green light in the sky curtain and side lights, so that notonly does not dilute the warm color On the contrary, because of the contrastbetween colors, the warm color tone becomes more vivid and the color tone ismore artistic.
The sense color distance
People's visualhabit of color will also have a sense of distance. Objects of different colorsare at the same distance, but people's visual perception is different, becausewhen the eyes are stimulated by color light, the color light with longerwavelength will be integrated focal point behind the retina, and theshorter-wavelength colored light is focused on the front and right of theretina. After the self-adjustment of the eye lens, the longer-wavelengthcolored light looks closer, and the shorter-wavelength colored light looksfarther away. Thus there is a difference in the feeling of distance andretreat. Therefore, warm colors give people the feeling of moving closer, whilecold colors give people the feeling of moving away in the future.
The illusion of distance given by the color is also affected by thecolor background. For example, in front of a white background, blue appearsvery close, followed by purple, red, green, etc. When you are in front of ablack background, the distance of the colors is different again. At this time,the red color looks the closest, followed by orange, green, blue, and purple.The feeling of color travel and retreat has a lot to do with the amount oflight received when the eyes are stimulated by light. When the illuminance ishigh, the eye irritation is strong, and there is a feeling of dazzling,swelling, and traveling; on the contrary, when the illuminance is low, there isThe feeling of darkness, blur, shrinkage, retreat.
Therefore, whendesigning the stage, the lighting engineer should pay attention to adjustingthe distance between the lamps and the people, to adapt to differentenvironments, and to create different stage effects.
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